What is a SRN?

S-tier ARNs

A SRN (Sym Resource Name) is a colon-separated unique identifier for a Sym Resource.

SRNs have the following structure:


Where version is either a semver string (e.g. 1.0.0) or latest. The "resource-type" indicates the type of the model, if the model is subtyped. This is often the type field of the resource defined in Terraform. For example a integration can have a type slack. And the identifier is an optional instance identifier, such as a UUID.

Example: Flow

Given the following sym_flow resource for an organization healthy-health

resource "sym_flow" "this" {
  name     = "my-fun-flow"

  implementation = file("./impl.py")
  environment_id = sym_environment.this.id

  params { ... } # truncated

The SRN could be


or with latest as the version


or with no identifier


Note that between the resource name flow and the slug my-fun-flow, there is no resource-type. This is because sym_flow resources do not have a type.

Example: Sym Integration, Slack

Given the following sym_integration resource for an organization healthy-health

resource "sym_integration" "slack" {
  type        = "slack"
  name        = "prod"
  external_id = "T12345"

The SRN could be






Note that between the resource name integration and the slug prod, there is a type value slack. This is because sym_integrationresources have atype\.

SRN Usage

SRNs are used in Sym's Request API as inputs and used in the Log Entries sent by Sym's Reporting system as identifiers.

How to locate your SRNs

Your Sym resources can be listed with the symflow command

symflow resources list [resource-name]

such as

symflow resources list sym_flow

For more information, see: Manage Resources